Sunday, March 14, 2010

Week 6

Week 6 was a good week again for thumbnails, and I also did a quick painting in painter to flush out my values. The top pic is the original thumbnail, painter sketch and finish. Unfortunately I rushed the finish, and got a little messy, and didn't have time to work up my values to where I wanted to. It's still a good learning process for me. By the end of 52 weeks I hope to being more successful with my finished drawings then I am with my thumbnails.

Monday, March 8, 2010

"Ink In unfailing supplies" Week4

Week 4 was a good week for thumb nailing, I had a lot of fun as you might be able to tell, I had a hard time stopping. I think in the end I settled on a composition that......... well, was ok. Not bad though pretty good week.

"Ink In unfailing supplies" Week3

These are some of the thumbnails from week three along with the finished drawing. I thought this was a good start for me as far as making some changes in the type of drawing I normally produce. The top thumbnails are fairly abstract, no strong idea that fit the topic of the week, mainly focusing on cutting up the page to find a compositions until some visuals started coming to mind. Then a thought found it's way onto the page which led me down the path of a walking womb, which hooked my attention. I was also pleased with some of the mark making choices I did with the final piece, I think they work fairly well.