Saturday, May 30, 2009

It wasn't easy, but nothing is............

After finishing a sculpture I started many moons ago,I decided to have a little fun with it, colorful fun that is. Interesting thing about this sculpture; it is based on a pen and ink drawing I did awhile back "Growing Together" . My wife and I live a modest life in a modest house that is supplied with an arsenal of artistic weapons. It's our sanctuary, and we rarely seem to stray from it, at least for the last 5 years now. During that time we seem to have grown together, and made quite a content life for ourselves, both of us pursuing our art. I began drawing these man and woman themed pen and ink studies where the two were physically growing together. This 1st sculpture in a series I hope to do. It took some time to complete because of time issues and also a wandering mind that led me astray. When I did have time to sit and work on it my mind was not where it should have been and I veered off and added a bunch of design elements that had no real purpose and did not add to the story. I had a moment of clarity the other day and began lopping off the dead wood, so to speak. When I was done stripping it down, I found myself back at the original drawing. I think I have learned something from this, and if not I hopefully will be able to see more clearly when I am making poor design decisions:)


jriggity said...

I love this....

Modest life - Modest Home -arsenal of artistic weapons...


I instantly pictured the Basement from tremors with different Paintbrushes and sculpting tools instead of Guns all over the walls..

Honey Get out the Elephant brush...this is a BIG ONE!!

Great piece man!

If we ever venture out to Florida....Id love to see one in person.


JPierro said...

I love tremors, and that scene was hillarious! Thanks for the praise on the piece. I'm sure will meet up some day out in Cali. or elsware. Take care man and keep on your wonderful path- John